All resources

Our global resources have been created with care by survivors and experts. Available in multiple languages and formats - you can use them to spot abuse, collect evidence, stay safe, get well and connect to local services.

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Grounding Exercises

Grounding exercises can help to bring us back to ourselves and the present moment when we feel distressed, overwhelmed, or disconnected from our bodies and the world around us. They engage with our senses — sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste — to help ground us in the here and now. You can use these exercises anytime you want. They’re always here for you, whenever you need them.

Mental wellbeing

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Process maps for legal justice in the UK on YSM

Use these process maps to understand what will happen when reporting to the police, during the medical exam, and when pursuing legal justice in the UK. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

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Creating your own timeline for reporting an assault on YSM

A guide to support survivors of sexual assault through their self reporting journey. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

Toxic relationships

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How to apply for asylum in the UK on Soul Medicine

Learn about your rights and navigate through asylum procedures with or without legal representation. Powered by Soul Medicine by Chayn.

Legal rights

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How to build your own domestic abuse case without a lawyer

A step by step guide for how to collect and present evidence of abuse.

Legal rights

Toxic relationships

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Checklists to help navigate after assault on YSM

These checklists will help you navigate interactions with police and medical professionals. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

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Sexual trauma

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Deciding to report or not on YSM

Making the decision whether to report your assault or not is incredibly hard and may feel overwhelming. We talk through the different options and help you figure out what you may want to do. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

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Survivors of sexual violence: your rights at a glance in the UK

This guide summarises some of your rights and what you should expect from the criminal justice system as a survivor of sexual violence in the UK.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

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Rights of Women

Law and divorce in Pakistan

This guide explains the laws and different kinds of divorce in Pakistan.

Legal rights

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Pakistan

Law and divorce in India

This guide goes through different kinds of divorce and explains how the Indian court system works.

Legal rights

Toxic relationships

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Chayn India

Marital rights and abuse in Pakistan

This guide talks about forced marriages and their legal and religious standing in Pakistan.

Legal rights

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Pakistan

Getting out of abusive situations in India

You deserve to feel safe, it is your right. You have realised that you are in an abusive relationship and have decided to take action, to take control. Read about your options in India.

Legal rights

Toxic relationships

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Chayn India

The courage to be me by Nina Burrowes

Comic book that tells a story of courage, self-compassion and hope after sexual abuse.

Sexual trauma

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Nina Burrowes

Telling someone about what happened on YSM

Deciding to tell someone what happened after an assault is a deeply personal decision and one that we should take time to think about. We talk through different options. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Sexual trauma

Toxic relationships

Mental wellbeing


Supporting loved ones

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The Independent: How Assault Changes your dating and sex life [external resource]

Video of personal accounts about how our sexual and date lives were changes after sexual assault.

Sexual trauma

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The Independent

Taking care of your body after assault on YSM

A note going through all the things one may feel after being sexually assaulted. We discuss the impacts on our mental and physical health, and how to take care of ourselves. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Sexual trauma

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Healing from sexual trauma on Bloom

Explore body image, sexual desire, the trauma response, and coping mechanisms after sexual trauma, and rebuild a sense of identity with varied recovery tools. Powered by Bloom by Chayn.

Sexual trauma

Mental wellbeing


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Rape culture and consent on YSM

A note on how rape culture facilitates sexual violence in our society, and effects us as survivors. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Sexual trauma

Toxic relationships

Mental wellbeing

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A guide for lesbian and bisexual women who have been affected by sexual violence by The Lesbian & Gay Foundation [external resource]

This Guide is for lesbian and bisexual women who have been affected by sexual violence, to help you find the support you need.

Sexual trauma

LGBTQIA+ resources

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LGBT Foundation

My little book of coping methods by The Peach Diaries with Roisin Ross [external resource]

This book is full of coping methods for you to try in times of need. The techniques can be used as small, everyday steps to help you heal from the abuse you experienced.

Sexual trauma

Mental wellbeing


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The Peach Diaries

Bustle: Women tell us why they didn’t report their assault [external resource]

Video stories of women who didn't report sexual assault and their reasons.

Sexual trauma

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Survivor stories: “I was raped and blamed myself. I’m not ashamed anymore” - The Guardian

Sheeva Weil shares her story and her emotional journey of overcoming self-blame.

Sexual trauma

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The Guardian

BBC: Taking back control after sexual abuse

Kemi and Mojo are two women who want to take back control of their bodies through dance after their sexuality was stolen from them.

Sexual trauma

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Survivor stories: Daniela's survivor story [external resource]

Daniela, an immigrant worker shares her survivor journey and how she started speaking up for other women

Sexual trauma

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Me Too

After: Surviving sexual assault

A podcast by Catriona Molton where she talks to fellow survivors of sexual assault and abuse about what happened to them and how they cope now.

Sexual trauma

Mental wellbeing

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A self-help guide for survivors of rape and sexual assault

This booklet is for survivors of sexual assault. It gives you information about the common psychological and emotional reactions to sexual assault. It was written for survivors in the UK but has advice that can help everyone.

Sexual trauma

Created by

The Havens

The Guardian: "I blamed myself for being sexually assaulted" [external resource]

A personal account of a sexual assault survivor overcoming self-blame.

Sexual trauma

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The Guardian

Conversations with Carolyn Spring: Trauma is feeling unsafe [external resource]

A podcast about the most important things to focus on for survivors at the start of their journey of recovery.

Sexual trauma

Mental wellbeing

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Conversations with Carolyn Spring: Building skills for recovery after trauma [external resource]

A podcast about the process of building skills for managing emotions.

Sexual trauma

Mental wellbeing


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Sexual health and contraception in Pakistan

Busting common myths about contraception and sexual health in Pakistan, and where you can get in-person care.

Sexual trauma

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Chayn Pakistan

Manipulation is abuse

Not all kinds of abuse and toxicity show themselves through physical violence. This guide shows us how to identify manipulative situations and people, and how to deal with them.

Toxic relationships

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Domestic abuse as a transgender woman

While there are many similarities between domestic abuse in non-cis relationships and other relationships, a number of issues must be taken into account when understanding the complicated dynamics that exist in abusive relationships when you are a transgender woman.

Toxic relationships

LGBTQIA+ resources

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Domestic abuse in same-sex female relationships

There is a misconception that same-sex female relationships can’t be abusive as there is no “man”. This makes it more difficult for us to recognise the warning signs, and often the abuse itself. Find the different signs of abuse, specifically in same-sex female relationships.

Toxic relationships

LGBTQIA+ resources

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Domestic abuse as a transgender man

There is a predominant misconception that the more ‘masculine’ person in an abusive relationship is more likely to be the abuser, or that only women can be subject to domestic abuse. These preconceived notions make it more difficult for us to recognise the warning signs as well as the ways abuse manifests itself for transgender men.

Toxic relationships

LGBTQIA+ resources

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Getting better and moving on

This guide breaks down complex mental health terms that are often heard and misused, helps you understand what you’re going through, what helped others in your position and how to get out of feeling at your worst.

Toxic relationships

Mental wellbeing

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Domestic abuse in same-sex male relationships

Abuse within same-sex male relationships is as common as abuse against heterosexual men in heterosexual relationships. While both share many similarities, a number of issues must be taken into account when understanding the complicated dynamics that exist in abusive same-sex male relationships. Find all the information you need to help identify the different signs of abuse, specifically in same-sex male relationships.

Toxic relationships

LGBTQIA+ resources

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Abused women with no recourse to public funds (UK)

This guide is for people who have experienced domestic abuse, including economic abuse, and are in the UK on a spousal visa or another visa that says you have 'no recourse to public funds'.

Toxic relationships

Financial independence

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Southall Black Sisters

How to deal with abuse in Pakistan

Read about the way abuse manifests itself in Pakistani families, and what you can do about it.

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Pakistan

How domestic violence affects children in Pakistan

There are many ways in which children are aware of abuse, and it is impossible to hide everything from them. Learn about how it may be affecting them.

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Pakistan

Managing anxiety on Bloom

Discover short and long-term methods for managing anxious thoughts and physical symptoms of anxiety, through grounding techniques, journaling, and somatic care. Powered by Bloom and Soul Medicine.

Mental wellbeing

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How to regain your confidence after trauma on Soul Medicine

When we doubt our self worth, we can also lose a sense of who we are. Get simple and practical steps to rebuild your confidence, empowering you to take over the reins of your life. Powered by Soul Medicine by Chayn.

Mental wellbeing


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How to cope with stress on Soul Medicine

How to identify causes of stress, and how to safeguard yourself against them, or future stress.

Mental wellbeing

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Reclaiming resilience in your trauma story on Bloom

Through narrative therapy and journaling, identify triggers, learn the science of trauma, re-build self-esteem, unlearn shame - and find your natural resilience. Powered by Bloom and Soul Medicine.

Mental wellbeing

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Assertive communication on Soul Medicine

Understand different styles of communication and things you can practice to feel more confident.


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Creating boundaries on Bloom

Learn about different boundary types and styles, how to identify toxic behaviour in others, and tools for recognising our emotional needs in relationships. Powered by Bloom and Soul Medicine.


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How to be safe online on Soul Medicine

Easy, non-techy ways to tighten your online security and keep yourself safe from stalkers. This course is a condensed version of our Do-It-Yourself online safety guide. Powered by Soul Medicine by Chayn.

Online safety

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Finding a job in India

Finding employment can help to some degree of financial independence which is critical in case you decide to leave your partner in India.

Financial independence

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Chayn India

Advanced DIY privacy for every woman

This is an advanced online safety guide to assess your risk and take back control. We discuss spyware, phishing and using tactics to protect your devices and digital environment.

Online safety

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Do-It-Yourself online safety

Assess your risk and take back control with this guide of best practices to protect yourself. We discuss social media, emails, passwords and secure browsing. You don't need to go offline to be safe. The online space is yours too.

Online safety

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How to open a bank account on Soul Medicine

Banking can be complicated. We’ll make it easy for you.

Financial independence

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Saving money in Pakistan

Whether you work or not, saving money can be a lifesaver for you in the future. See what you can do in Pakistan to save small and big items to protect your future.

Financial independence

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Chayn Pakistan

How to manage your money on Soul Medicine

It’s important to be financially independent so you can take care of yourself and your loved ones, make sure your bills are paid, and keep a roof over your head. We’ll talk through easy ways to make sure you’re debt free, you know how to budget, and you’ve got enough money to buy the things you need. Powered by Soul Medicine.

Financial independence

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The good friend guide

A short guide that will give you practical and simple advice on how to better support a loved one in an abusive relationship.

Supporting loved ones

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Worried about someone in India?

A quick guide on how to support a friend and their children if they are in an abusive situation.

Supporting loved ones

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Chayn India

Recovering from toxic and abusive relationships

In this course, we discuss abusive tactics, the cycle of coercive control, the science of trauma, and how abuse can affect our relationships and coping mechanisms.

Toxic relationships

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Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn

If you've been treated in a way that has made you feel uncomfortable or violated, let YSM be your companion because your story matters. Through a curated list of resources created by us and others, we talk through the difficult thoughts and emotions you may be going through. Created by survivors of sexual abuse across the world.

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Sexual trauma

Toxic relationships

Mental wellbeing


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Less than 2 percent

A podcast from Chayn exploring the experiences of survivors who report sexual violence, and how the systems that are meant to protect us are failing. Less than 2% focuses on the UK but is globally relevant.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

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Society, patriarchy and sexual trauma on Bloom

Identify victim-blaming stigmas and myths, look at how these prejudices might have affected our healing journey, and understand how sexual violence is facilitated by both individual predators and patriarchal power structures.

Sexual trauma

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Effetti della violenza su bambinə

I bambini e le bambine possono essere colpiti in vari modi dalla violenza domestica, in questa pagina troverai informazioni degli affetti della violenza.

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Italia

Terminare una relazione violenta in maniera sicura

Questa guida fornisce consigli su come uscire da una situazione di violenza in modo sicuro e contiene informazioni su come preparare un piano di fuga in caso tu decida di lasciare il tuo partner e la casa in cui vivi

Toxic relationships

Mental wellbeing

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Chayn Italia

Essere preoccupati/e per un'amica

Se percepisci segnali che ti portano a pensare che qualcosa di importante non va nella relazione di una tua amica, parente, sorella, collega, vicina di casa, qui ci sono alcuni consigli su come starle vicino, dimostrandole il tuo sostegno e comprensione.

Supporting loved ones

Created by

Chayn Italia

Essere più sicura online

In questa guida troverai consigli pratici di utilizzo immediato: da come migliorare la propria privacy sui social media a come proteggere il proprio browser, creare password più sicure e promuovere un uso più consapevole delle possibilità offerte dal web.

Online safety

Legal rights

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Chayn Italia

Cosa fare in caso di emergenza

In questa pagina troverai una serie di consigli e precauzioni da prendere in caso tu stia subendo violenza domestica e stia iniziando a temere per la tua vita.

Legal rights

Toxic relationships

Sexual trauma

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Chayn Italia

Avere controllo sulla propria salute

Breve panoramica per aiutarti a gestire le questioni legate a salute sessuale e contraccezione. Se cerchi informazioni pratiche e più dettagliate, ti rimandiamo alla Guida apposita in cui puoi leggere tutto quello che ti serve sapere nello specifico su metodi contraccettivi, interruzione di gravidanza, malattie sessualmente trasmissibili e test di laboratorio, consultori e centri di assistenza.

Sexual trauma

Legal rights

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Chayn Italia

Guida su salute sessuale e contraccezione

In questa guida apposita puoi leggere tutto quello che ti serve sapere nello specifico su metodi contraccettivi, interruzione di gravidanza, malattie sessualmente trasmissibili e test di laboratorio, consultori e centri di assistenza.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

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Chayn Italia

Guida alla solidarietà di vicinato

In questa guida troverai consigli utili su come riconoscere e mostrare il tuo supporto a donne che vivono relazioni violente nel tuo palazzo o nel tuo quartiere adottando comportamenti solidali e non giudicanti che tengono in considerazione le regole di comportamento imposte dall’emergenza Covid-19, ma che rimangono valide anche per quando questa pandemia sarà finita.

Supporting loved ones

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Italia

Violenza psicologica

In questa pagina troverai informazioni sulla violenza psicologica, ovvero l’insieme di comportamenti, dinamiche e discorsi che il partner maltrattante mette in atto per minare la tua dignità, identità, autostima e per ledere la tua autodeterminazione.

Mental wellbeing

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Italia

Diverse forme di violenza domestica

La violenza può assumere diverse forme, in questa pagina troverai un’introduzione sui differenti tipi di abuso e come affrontarli.

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Italia

Violenza e luoghi comuni

In questa pagina elenchiamo quelli piú comuni e diffusi. È nostro dovere combatterli perché luoghi comuni e stereotipi legittimano la violenza e incoraggiano la colpevolizzazione a livello sociale delle donne che la subiscono.

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Italia

Violenza nelle relazioni lesbiche

In questa pagina troverai informazioni sulle forme e dinamiche di violenza che possono succedere in una coppia lesbica

Toxic relationships

LGBTQIA+ resources

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Chayn Italia

Violenza su donne con disabilità

Informazioni utili per riconoscere e contrastare la violenza di genere su persone che si trovano in una condizione vulnerabile

Toxic relationships

Sexual trauma

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Chayn Italia

Considerare di uscire da una relazione violenta

In questa pagina troverai informazioni concrete su cosa fare se non sei sicura di uscire da una relazione violenta ma ti senti in pericolo.

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Italia

Ricevere supporto se non sei cittadina italiana

In questa pagina troverai informazioni utili nel caso in cui, oltre a voler denunciare il tuo partner o a chiedere la separazione o il divorzio, non sei una cittadina italiana, sei priva di un regolare titolo di soggiorno o quest’ultimo è legato a quello del compagno.

Toxic relationships

Legal rights

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Chayn Italia

Denunciare alla polizia

Se hai subito abusi psicologici o fisici in ambito domestico, potresti aver preso in considerazione la possibilità di sporgere denuncia alle autorità. In questa pagina troverai delle informazioni utili per aiutarti a fare una scelta importante e consapevole.

Legal rights

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Italia

Ricevere supporto legale gratuito

In questa sezione potrai trovare informazioni utili nel caso in cui decidessi di intraprendere le vie legali.

Legal rights

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Chayn Italia

Gestire i propri risparmi

Risparmiare è fondamentale per poter essere sicure di possedere le risorse sufficienti nel caso poi tu decida di separarti. Sicuramente hai già pensato a soluzioni per poterlo fare ma, se così non fosse, in questa pagina puoi trovare delle idee che possono aiutarti.

Financial independence

Created by

Chayn Italia

Capire conti bancari e documenti d’identità

In questa pagina troverai informazioni pratiche che possano favorire una indipendenza anche tipo economico.

Financial independence

Legal rights

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Chayn Italia

Scegliere possibilità abitative

In questa pagina troverai informazioni pratiche in caso ci si possa ritrovare senza una casa in cui stare quando si decide di interrompere la relazione con il proprio partner maltrattante. E per casi di emergenza in cui é necessario allontanarsi dalla casa in cui si vive per tutelarsi da aggressioni fisiche e verbali.

Legal rights

Toxic relationships

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Chayn Italia

Capire il diritto civile: separazione e divorzio

In questa pagina potrai trovare una prima infarinatura informativa sui regimi di separazione e di divorzio se hai intenzione di separarti, divorziare o semplicemente andare via di casa, e su cosa questo può comportare sia dal punto di vista economico che per quanto riguarda l’affidamento e la tutela dei figli.

Financial independence

Legal rights

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Chayn Italia

Capire il diritto penale

In questa pagina puoi trovare informazioni utili se stai pensando di denunciare il tuo partner per gli abusi subiti.

Toxic relationships

Legal rights

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Chayn Italia

Image-based abuse and rebuilding ourselves

We explore the social context of image-based abuse and learn tools for processing our emotions, understanding our responses, and healing from trauma. We remind ourselves that we are not to blame.

Online safety

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