Resources for:

Sexual trauma

Learn how society facilitates sexual violence, the impact on body and mind after sexual trauma, including stress and anxiety, and how you can recover with Chayn.

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Bustle: Women tell us why they didn’t report their assault [external resource]

Video stories of women who didn't report sexual assault and their reasons.

Sexual trauma

Created by


A guide for lesbian and bisexual women who have been affected by sexual violence by The Lesbian & Gay Foundation [external resource]

This Guide is for lesbian and bisexual women who have been affected by sexual violence, to help you find the support you need.

Sexual trauma

LGBTQIA+ resources

Created by

LGBT Foundation

My little book of coping methods by The Peach Diaries with Roisin Ross [external resource]

This book is full of coping methods for you to try in times of need. The techniques can be used as small, everyday steps to help you heal from the abuse you experienced.

Sexual trauma

Mental wellbeing

Sexual health

Created by

The Peach Diaries

Rape culture and consent on YSM

A note on how rape culture facilitates sexual violence in our society, and effects us as survivors. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Sexual trauma

Toxic relationships

Mental wellbeing

Created by


Healing from sexual trauma on Bloom

Explore body image, sexual desire, the trauma response, and coping mechanisms after sexual trauma, and rebuild a sense of identity with varied recovery tools. Powered by Bloom by Chayn.

Sexual trauma

Mental wellbeing

Sexual health

Created by


Taking care of your body after assault on YSM

A note going through all the things one may feel after being sexually assaulted. We discuss the impacts on our mental and physical health, and how to take care of ourselves. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Sexual trauma

Created by


The Independent: How Assault Changes your dating and sex life [external resource]

Video of personal accounts about how our sexual and date lives were changes after sexual assault.

Sexual trauma

Created by

The Independent

Telling someone about what happened on YSM

Deciding to tell someone what happened after an assault is a deeply personal decision and one that we should take time to think about. We talk through different options. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Sexual trauma

Toxic relationships

Mental wellbeing

Sexual health

Supporting loved ones

Created by


The courage to be me by Nina Burrowes

Comic book that tells a story of courage, self-compassion and hope after sexual abuse.

Sexual trauma

Created by

Nina Burrowes

Checklists to help navigate after assault on YSM

These checklists will help you navigate interactions with police and medical professionals. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

Created by


Deciding to report or not on YSM

Making the decision whether to report your assault or not is incredibly hard and may feel overwhelming. We talk through the different options and help you figure out what you may want to do. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

Created by


Survivor stories: “I was raped and blamed myself. I’m not ashamed anymore” - The Guardian

Sheeva Weil shares her story and her emotional journey of overcoming self-blame.

Sexual trauma

Created by

The Guardian

BBC: Taking back control after sexual abuse

Kemi and Mojo are two women who want to take back control of their bodies through dance after their sexuality was stolen from them.

Sexual trauma

Created by


Survivor stories: Daniela's survivor story [external resource]

Daniela, an immigrant worker shares her survivor journey and how she started speaking up for other women

Sexual trauma

Created by

Me Too

After: Surviving sexual assault

A podcast by Catriona Molton where she talks to fellow survivors of sexual assault and abuse about what happened to them and how they cope now.

Sexual trauma

Mental wellbeing

Created by


The Guardian: "I blamed myself for being sexually assaulted" [external resource]

A personal account of a sexual assault survivor overcoming self-blame.

Sexual trauma

Created by

The Guardian

Creating your own timeline for reporting an assault on YSM

A guide to support survivors of sexual assault through their self reporting journey. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

Toxic relationships

Created by


Process maps for legal justice in the UK on YSM

Use these process maps to understand what will happen when reporting to the police, during the medical exam, and when pursuing legal justice in the UK. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

Created by


A self-help guide for survivors of rape and sexual assault

This booklet is for survivors of sexual assault. It gives you information about the common psychological and emotional reactions to sexual assault. It was written for survivors in the UK but has advice that can help everyone.

Sexual trauma

Created by

The Havens

Conversations with Carolyn Spring: Trauma is feeling unsafe [external resource]

A podcast about the most important things to focus on for survivors at the start of their journey of recovery.

Sexual trauma

Mental wellbeing

Created by


Conversations with Carolyn Spring: Building skills for recovery after trauma [external resource]

A podcast about the process of building skills for managing emotions.

Sexual trauma

Mental wellbeing

Sexual health

Created by


Sexual health and contraception in Pakistan

Busting common myths about contraception and sexual health in Pakistan, and where you can get in-person care.

Sexual trauma

Created by

Chayn Pakistan

Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn

If you've been treated in a way that has made you feel uncomfortable or violated, let YSM be your companion because your story matters. Through a curated list of resources created by us and others, we talk through the difficult thoughts and emotions you may be going through. Created by survivors of sexual abuse across the world.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

Toxic relationships

Mental wellbeing

Sexual health

Created by


Less than 2 percent

A podcast from Chayn exploring the experiences of survivors who report sexual violence, and how the systems that are meant to protect us are failing. Less than 2% focuses on the UK but is globally relevant.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

Created by


Society, patriarchy and sexual trauma on Bloom

Identify victim-blaming stigmas and myths, look at how these prejudices might have affected our healing journey, and understand how sexual violence is facilitated by both individual predators and patriarchal power structures.

Sexual trauma

Created by


Cosa fare in caso di emergenza

In questa pagina troverai una serie di consigli e precauzioni da prendere in caso tu stia subendo violenza domestica e stia iniziando a temere per la tua vita.

Legal rights

Toxic relationships

Sexual trauma

Created by

Chayn Italia

Avere controllo sulla propria salute

Breve panoramica per aiutarti a gestire le questioni legate a salute sessuale e contraccezione. Se cerchi informazioni pratiche e più dettagliate, ti rimandiamo alla Guida apposita in cui puoi leggere tutto quello che ti serve sapere nello specifico su metodi contraccettivi, interruzione di gravidanza, malattie sessualmente trasmissibili e test di laboratorio, consultori e centri di assistenza.

Sexual trauma

Legal rights

Created by

Chayn Italia

Guida su salute sessuale e contraccezione

In questa guida apposita puoi leggere tutto quello che ti serve sapere nello specifico su metodi contraccettivi, interruzione di gravidanza, malattie sessualmente trasmissibili e test di laboratorio, consultori e centri di assistenza.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

Created by

Chayn Italia

Violenza su donne con disabilità

Informazioni utili per riconoscere e contrastare la violenza di genere su persone che si trovano in una condizione vulnerabile

Toxic relationships

Sexual trauma

Created by

Chayn Italia

Survivors of sexual violence: your rights at a glance in the UK

This guide summarises some of your rights and what you should expect from the criminal justice system as a survivor of sexual violence in the UK.

Legal rights

Sexual trauma

Created by

Rights of Women

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