If someone you care about is experiencing or recovering from abuse, find help to support them and yourself. Together, you can heal.
This guide will assist us in knowing all of our options and give a realistic picture of abortion, understanding the process practically and emotionally.
Legal rights
Sexual health
Supporting loved ones
Mental wellbeing
Created by
Deciding to tell someone what happened after an assault is a deeply personal decision and one that we should take time to think about. We talk through different options. Powered by Your Story Matters (YSM) by Chayn.
Sexual trauma
Toxic relationships
Mental wellbeing
Sexual health
Supporting loved ones
Created by
A short guide that will give you practical and simple advice on how to better support a loved one in an abusive relationship.
Supporting loved ones
Created by
A quick guide on how to support a friend and their children if they are in an abusive situation.
Supporting loved ones
Created by
Chayn India
If you've been treated in a way that has made you feel uncomfortable or violated, let YSM be your companion because your story matters. Through a curated list of resources created by us and others, we talk through the difficult thoughts and emotions you may be going through. Created by survivors of sexual abuse across the world.
Legal rights
Sexual trauma
Toxic relationships
Mental wellbeing
Sexual health
Created by
Se percepisci segnali che ti portano a pensare che qualcosa di importante non va nella relazione di una tua amica, parente, sorella, collega, vicina di casa, qui ci sono alcuni consigli su come starle vicino, dimostrandole il tuo sostegno e comprensione.
Supporting loved ones
Created by
Chayn Italia
In questa guida troverai consigli utili su come riconoscere e mostrare il tuo supporto a donne che vivono relazioni violente nel tuo palazzo o nel tuo quartiere adottando comportamenti solidali e non giudicanti che tengono in considerazione le regole di comportamento imposte dall’emergenza Covid-19, ma che rimangono valide anche per quando questa pandemia sarà finita.
Supporting loved ones
Toxic relationships
Created by
Chayn Italia
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