Take steps with Chayn to protect yourself in online spaces with our digital safety resources. You don't have to disappear. You deserve to be online.
Easy, non-techy ways to tighten your online security and keep yourself safe from stalkers. This course is a condensed version of our Do-It-Yourself online safety guide. Powered by Soul Medicine by Chayn.
Online safety
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This is an advanced online safety guide to assess your risk and take back control. We discuss spyware, phishing and using tactics to protect your devices and digital environment.
Online safety
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Assess your risk and take back control with this guide of best practices to protect yourself. We discuss social media, emails, passwords and secure browsing. You don't need to go offline to be safe. The online space is yours too.
Online safety
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In questa guida troverai consigli pratici di utilizzo immediato: da come migliorare la propria privacy sui social media a come proteggere il proprio browser, creare password più sicure e promuovere un uso più consapevole delle possibilità offerte dal web.
Online safety
Legal rights
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Chayn Italia
We explore the social context of image-based abuse and learn tools for processing our emotions, understanding our responses, and healing from trauma. We remind ourselves that we are not to blame.
Online safety
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