Economic abuse is common in toxic relationships, and lack of financial security can impact recovery. Use Chayn’s resources to gain financial independence.
This guide is for people who have experienced domestic abuse, including economic abuse, and are in the UK on a spousal visa or another visa that says you have 'no recourse to public funds'.
Toxic relationships
Financial independence
Created by
Southall Black Sisters
Whether you work or not, saving money can be a lifesaver for you in the future. See what you can do in Pakistan to save small and big items to protect your future.
Financial independence
Created by
Chayn Pakistan
Finding employment can help to some degree of financial independence which is critical in case you decide to leave your partner in India.
Financial independence
Created by
Chayn India
Banking can be complicated. We’ll make it easy for you.
Financial independence
Created by
It’s important to be financially independent so you can take care of yourself and your loved ones, make sure your bills are paid, and keep a roof over your head. We’ll talk through easy ways to make sure you’re debt free, you know how to budget, and you’ve got enough money to buy the things you need. Powered by Soul Medicine.
Financial independence
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Risparmiare è fondamentale per poter essere sicure di possedere le risorse sufficienti nel caso poi tu decida di separarti. Sicuramente hai già pensato a soluzioni per poterlo fare ma, se così non fosse, in questa pagina puoi trovare delle idee che possono aiutarti.
Financial independence
Created by
Chayn Italia
In questa pagina troverai informazioni pratiche che possano favorire una indipendenza anche tipo economico.
Financial independence
Legal rights
Created by
Chayn Italia
In questa pagina potrai trovare una prima infarinatura informativa sui regimi di separazione e di divorzio se hai intenzione di separarti, divorziare o semplicemente andare via di casa, e su cosa questo può comportare sia dal punto di vista economico che per quanto riguarda l’affidamento e la tutela dei figli.
Financial independence
Legal rights
Created by
Chayn Italia
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